Holistic Treatments and Paths






Free orientation consultancy




It is an individual meeting that allows you to get to know the operator, the tools and techniques he uses in general, and those he would recommend for any problems if a specific opinion is required.


Availability: individual sessions on site or remotely


Contact the operator for information



Holistic consultancy


Consulenza olistica


The person exposes his problems and needs to the holistic operator, who will recommend one or more interventions.


Availability: individual sessions on site or remotely


Contact the operator for information



Reading of the akashic archive and communication with the inner God




To know, understand and learn more:

  • The soul’s plan for the present life.
  • The developmental stage and cycle of experiences we are in and live in the present.
  • Causes and motivations for the manifestation of some events in our life.
  • Other aspects and topics on request.

To see, find, understand the correct path that can lead us to the “solution” (sometimes the way out of heavy problems that have been with us for a long time).

The operator takes on the role of “facilitator”, acting as an intermediary between the consciousness and the unconscious parts of the person.

Upon request, the reading results can be verified on the person with the kinesiological muscle test.


Availability: individual sessions on site or remotely


Akashic Records – Details

Contact the operator for information



Soul Flight Plan


Piano di Volo


Revelation of the soul plan for the current life, understanding, realization, alignment, obstacles, …


To find the answer to important questions, such as:

  • Why am I here? What should I do? What do I need to accomplish? Who I am? What are?
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why do I exist?
  • Is what I do now in life in harmony with my soul and its flight plan?
  • I find myself at a crossroads and I have an important choice to make, what is in harmony with my soul?
  • To what nature does my soul belong? What realm is he from?
  • What stands in the way of my fulfillment and success in life, work and relationships?
  • Many more questions…

The operator is just a facilitator who helps the interested person find the answers within themselves.


Availability: individual sessions on site or remotely


Contact the operator for information




Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)


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Personalized individual treatments at a distance, with the Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.) in advanced mode, for the well-being of body, mind and spirit.
Read the page relating to the technique to get an idea of what can be achieved with and through it.


Availability: individual remote treatments


Contact the operator for information



Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)


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Those who have developed the perception of subtle energies will be able to feel and/or test the energy and essence of the stones.
The amount of information perceived and detected is always relative to the person’s general state of being. It doesn’t matter if you have been a dowser, psychic (or anything else) for a long time, but only the radical and profound changes achieved through internal alchemy, which allow you to overcome certain limits, beyond which few reach.
There is always something ahead, but man often thinks he has reached the highest level of development, even when in reality he has just climbed the first step.
There are different levels of perception of subtle energies and they could even be infinite.
Many people stop at the first level thinking that’s all there is to it.
The Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.) manifest in different realms of existence and contain multiple levels of ability and potential. Accessible only with the relevant keys, corresponding to certain states of being and specific internal requirements.
For further information you can read the page relating to P.O.T.®
cleaning of the aura, rebalancing, harmonization and energy regeneration; personalized treatments upon request.
Some effects of the generic cleansing, rebalancing, harmonization and energy regeneration treatment:
  • Sense of lightness and well-being.
  • Disappearance of aches and pains caused by energy congestion.
  • Stimulation and support of self-healing processes.
  • The feeling of exhaustion and tiredness is replaced by a sense of charge and strength.
  • Depressive states caused by energy deficiencies and emotional imbalance are alleviated or disappear completely during or after the session.
  • The mental heaviness, the migraine, the constant mental stimulation of thinking, disappear.
  • The heaviness on the chest and anxiety are eliminated by cleansing and rebalancing the heart chakra.
  • Agitation disappears as an effect of energetic cleansing and the replacement of lower frequencies with frequencies of well-being, obtaining calm, serenity, tranquility, relaxation, mental and interior silence.
  • Other effects.

Important: most of the effects obtained with this type of treatment have a temporary effect because it does not work on many causes for which a different type of specific intervention is required with T.A.I.®

For further information, visit the pages relating to each technique or tool.


Availability: individual treatments


Contact the operator for information



Activations, initiations and enhancements




In T.A.I.® we find a certain number of activations, initiations and enhancements, developed to achieve different objectives. In general, they definitively elevate, improve and evolve the human component for which they are intended, and consequently positively influence the general state of being. We can distinguish them based on their nature; we have:

  • Initiations that involve only the transmission of internal knowledge.
  • Activations and enhancements that concern the creation and installation of specific energetic and vibrational support structures.
  • Activations that concern the strengthening of energy structures already present and functioning.
  • Activations and initiations that concern the healing and decrystallization of dormant organs and energetic structures.
  • Attunements, initiations and empowerments which are a combination of some of these.

They are performed by the teacher/master with individual treatments using T.A.I.® in advanced mode and specific meditative and energetic rituals.

Some of them are reserved exclusively for the path for T.A.I.® practitioners and operators
Those interested will have to undergo a test to verify suitability for the requested treatment.
In any case, these treatments also act on the subtle human components and bring benefits to the physical body as a consequence.


Availability: individual remote treatments


List: Activations, initiations and upgrades

Contact the operator for information



The interpretation of dreams



It is a practice that allows you to know and understand the real causes and the real meaning of dreams.

  • The operator will investigate the internal parts that have manifested “the dream”, he will contact them and communicate with them.
  • The information obtained will be communicated to the person, tested and verified on him.

It is especially useful in cases of recurring dreams, nightmares, etc.


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The theoretical-intellectual interpretation of dreams with analytical methodologies, also using texts by Carl Gustav Jung or similar, can hardly reach and explain the real meaning, origins and causes of a dream, because it does not take into account the diversity of each individual , as a whole and in its individual components. Furthermore, it does not take into account the changes undergone by the human race over time and the influences of various sources of disturbance: psychic, mental, emotional and energetic (parasites, group fields, egregore, etc.).


Availability: individual sessions on site and remotely


Contact the operator for information



Crystal therapy


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Crystal therapy is a natural holistic remedy and tool, used to stimulate innate self-healing abilities and general psychophysical well-being, through the use of crystals, stones and minerals of different colours, nature and characteristics.
During treatments crystals and stones are chosen and positioned by the operator on the physical body and in its vicinity, based on the required purpose. Energies and frequencies contained in each stone are absorbed and transmitted to the treated subject through the subtle bodies, acting on an energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual level.



The Crystals used in the treatments are purified and charged with the Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T).


Availability: individual treatments


Contact the operator for information



Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)® + Crystals




Cleansing, rebalancing, harmonization and energetic regeneration treatment of the subtle bodies and chakras.
The basis is the treatment with P.O.T.® and the crystals will be used optionally only if requested by the person’s inner God, with whom the operator will maintain constant contact.


Availability: individual treatments


Contact the operator for information



Cleaning, purification, programming of land, homes, rooms and objects




Cleaning, purification, reclamation, disinfestation of environments, houses, lands, companies, premises, shops, from negative entities and energies.
Detection and neutralization of sources of disturbance, geopathies, etc.
Programming, purification and energetic enhancement of objects, houses, buildings, premises, shops with the advanced T.A.I.® mode

Availability: upon request and after operator evaluation and approval


Contact the operator for information



Subtle reading or analysis


aura2 567 Aura


Inner research aimed at identifying the causes of the problems described by the person. With the results, any remedial interventions to be carried out remotely with the advanced T.A.I.® mode will also be recommended


Availability: individual sessions on site or remotely


Contact the operator for information




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