Akashic Records




The akashic archive (or akashic register) contains all the information of the past, the present and the various probable and unlikely futures. It can be microcosmic (or individual), cosmic planetary and universal.
When we access it, we are always subjected to the analysis of the guardians of the archive (or guardians of knowledge) who will allow us access to information in relation to our general state of being and evolutionary, prohibiting what we are not yet considered for “worthy” or for which we are not yet “ready”.
It is also known as “the book of life”. In the past many well-known figures in the esoteric environment have spoken about it, telling their experiences in relation to this topic: Edgar Cayce, H. P. Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey, etc.
According to some researchers, among the Semitic populations the belief in the existence of a sort of celestial tables containing the history of the human race and every type of spiritual notion can be found (Arabs, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Babylonians and Jews).


Taken from a reading by Edgar Cayce:
Question: [What is meant by] the Book of Life?
Answer: The archive that the entity itself patiently writes over the skein of time and space. It is opened when the self is attuned to the infinite, and can be read by those who are attuning to that awareness…
Q: God’s Book of Memories?
A: This is the Book of Life.
Q: The Akashic Record?
A: Those created by the individual, as just indicated.
Reading 2533-8


In Indian philosophy, the term “akasha” (the Sanskrit term for ether) indicated the first and most important of the five elements (the others were vata, air; agni, fire; ap, water; prithivi, earth) . Akasha contains the properties of all five elements and is omnipresent and all-pervasive.
Reading the archive (or register) can be useful for achieving various purposes. Including that of assimilating important knowledge, integrating it into the conscious and finding the causes that have consequently manifested the problems we intend to solve.
The Akashic archives are independent of the languages and terrestrial cultures of those who access them.
The language is the universal one of the soul, which is decoded by the mind and adapted to the conscious.
Sometimes it takes some time to codify and assimilate knowledge.

Written by: Andrea


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