Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)

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Andrea Aiuppa


The Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)® are an energetic, spiritual and vibrational tool; for complete and optimal internal work, and for general psychophysical well-being.

They are not a medical and therapeutic tool.

They act on all levels: subtle bodies, mind, spirit, soul.

Created with the Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)® using universal energies, they are capable of alchemically transmuting low nature (vile) energies into high (noble) energies.

Their energy extends and belongs to different realms of existence and manifestation.

The stone is the physical body used to anchor these energies in the physical-material world and to allow them to be used more easily.

The information and frequencies contained therein can be transferred to the subject chosen by the operator (water, people, animals, plants, minerals, various objects, etc.)

They are “living beings” to all intents and purposes. Their consciousness has evolved and those who are capable of it can communicate with them by establishing a mental connection.

They learn, empower themselves and evolve by working.

The energies linked to the stones respect the “law of non-interference”. They will always avoid fulfilling some requests if the operator or practitioner still needs to learn specific lessons, integrate specific knowledge or evolve some aspect regarding the subject of the request. They will do for us (simplifying and speeding up the operation) only what we have already understood, learned and integrated within ourselves.

Access to their capabilities and potential is directly proportional to the operator’s general state of being.

Those who evolve access new possibilities and will sometimes have the feeling of working with a new, different tool.

The operator will have to harmonize everything necessary within himself, in relation to the higher planes of existence, to be able to use other capabilities and potential of the Stones.

All existing P.O.T.® automatically and quickly receive new updates (programming, information, etc.) inserted by the person who created them, this happens in a quantum way thanks to their non-local connection. All updates are free and unlimited in time.

When used correctly they can enhance the results and positive aspects of other types of treatments, tools and techniques, also reducing or eliminating their negative effects and aspects, if an adequate request has been made.

They don’t run out of energy, don’t need to be recharged and don’t get congested.

They transmute, self-clean and regenerate continuously.

Their subtle component is eternal.

Their conscience and nature prevent their use for negative purposes, which violate universal laws.



They can be used for:

  1. Treatments and self-treatments
  2. Remote treatments
  3. Creation of radionic graphics
  4. Other …


  1. People
  2. Animals
  3. Plant
  4. Minerals and crystals
  5. Food
  6. Seeds
  7. Waterfall
  8. Land
  9. Housing
  10. Buildings of any kind
  11. Means of transport
  12. Various objects
  13. Other …



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Some possible applications:

  • Cleaning and/or purification of environments, people, animals, plants, minerals, objects, etc.
  • Excellent and important support for inner alchemy, work on oneself and work with subtle energies. They support internal transmutation processes by feeding them with all the necessary energy and information.
  • They help and facilitate the search for the solutions and answers we are looking for.
  • Protection of the holistic operator from the contamination of negative energies coming from the subjects treated.
  • Elimination of negative entities and repair of the damage caused by them.
  • Elimination of thought forms and subtle negative bonds.
  • They facilitate relaxation.
  • They facilitate and stimulate brain waves and states of consciousness different from those we usually use in the waking state (alpha, theta, delta, lambda, etc.)
  • They facilitate meditation, the achievement and maintenance of the meditative state.
  • Transmutation and resolution of geopathies and other negative and disturbing sources.
  • Transmutation of negative energies into positive energies.
  • Create shields and protections from negative entities and energies.
  • Create custom charts to achieve a specific purpose.
  • Regenerate the inner energy, that of the subtle bodies and of the entire being, when you are tired, weak, sick and depressed.
  • Rebalance and harmonize aura, subtle bodies and chakras.
  • They can be used for subtle research, avoiding considerable energy consumption by the operator and the risks that derive from these practices (parasites, assimilation of negative energies, entities, etc.).
  • Water programming.
  • Programming of remedies and drugs.
  • Strengthening of remedies and drugs, limiting or eliminating where possible the negative effects generated by them and contained in them.
  • Elimination of chips and thin negative implants.
  • Treatments combined with the Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)®.
  • Support and enhancement of energetic and vibrational techniques.
  • Activation of the chakras.
  • Cleansing and unblocking energy meridians (or nadis).
  • Awaken the kundalini in a healthy and natural way, as a consequence of a complete 360° internal work.
  • Create and program various types of protection according to the operator’s possibilities.
  • Cleansing, purification and energetic recharging of crystals. This method is faster and more efficient than many traditional methods.
  • Facilitate sleep, facilitating relaxation and eliminating various obstacles.
  • Other applications…


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    The Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)® are available in the following versions:

    • P.O.T. water programming kit.
    • P.O.T. single stones for environments.
    • P.O.T. Hard stone spheres and eggs.
    • P.O.T. in single or paired stones, for treatments and self-treatments.
    • P.O.T. in glass, single or in pairs, for treatments and self-treatments.
    • P.O.T. Glass jewelry
    • P.O.T. Crystal jewelry
    • P.O.T. kit of 20 units, for: self-treatments; treatments on people, animals, plants, minerals, objects, places, etc.; remote treatments; treatments with alchemical chambers; elemental resonators (of the spirits of the elements).

    Also coming soon:

    • P.O.T. Alchemical Wands






    Free trial by appointment




     Testimonials  –  Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T)®

    Testimonials –  Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)®


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