Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)


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It is a technique created and developed to be able to consciously practice Internal Alchemy, elevating the nature of all things through the Energies of the Universe.

Some of the possible applications:

  • 360° internal work.
  • Evolution and inner and spiritual growth.
  • Purification and internal cleansing.
  • Evolution of personality and every single aspect of it.
  • Expansion of consciousness.
  • Self-knowledge.
  • Self-healing.
  • Purification, unlocking, activation, evolution of all chakras.
  • Recovery and maintenance of balance and psychophysical well-being.
  • Construction of energy structures and machines.
  • Cleaning of environments.
  • Find the solution to the problems that afflict us.
  • Communicate with the various parts of our multidimensional being.
  • Soul Plane: revelation, understanding, realization, alignment, obstacles, …
  • Consult the microcosmic, cosmic and universal Akashic record.
  • Re-educate the cerebral hemispheres to work in a balanced and harmonious way with each other.
  • Develop and evolve the Quotients: Intellectual (IQ), Emotional (EQ) and Spiritual (SQ).
  • Unlock and use dormant talents.
  • Recovery and evolution of individual potential.
  • Knowing the laws that govern the Macrocosm and the Cosmos through the knowledge of the Microcosm (“As above, so below” – Hermetic Axiom) and in this way also the forces, archetypes and elements that are part of it.
  • Cleansing the aura, chakras and energy meridians.
  • Protection from negative energies and influences in general.
  • Knowing and seeing the memories of the past lives of the essence (or Soul), making them aware.
  • Eliminate negative beliefs, convictions and programs, replacing them with positive ones.
  • Resolve and eliminate the causes of fear, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, chronic agitation.
  • Improve the quality of sleep.
  • Resolve the causes that allow the manifestation of the “alien interference” and “abduction” phenomena.
  • Dissolve and resolve various types of pacts and ligaments.
  • Dissolve and cancel vows, oaths, foils, contracts, invoices, spells, curses.
  • Resolve and eliminate the causes of negative and conditioning relational bonds.
  • Solve energy deficiencies by eliminating the causes and replacing them with what is necessary to increase the energy level to an optimal level.
  • Resolve negative karma.
  • Awaken the kundalini in a healthy and natural way, as a consequence of a complete 360° internal work.
  • Perform diagnoses and energy treatments on animals, plants, places, etc.
  • Practice maintaining alpha, theta, delta, lambda, etc. brain waves in a waking state.
  • Research and identify, in homes and places in general, negative energy sources and influences of various types (geopathies, Hartmann’s nodes, Curry’s nodes, ground water, ley lines, cosmic radiation, etc.) and the most suitable mode of intervention .
  • Learn to communicate with other life forms (minerals, plants, animals, spirits, etc.) using the mind and the universal language of the soul.
  • Elimination of parasites of the soul and subtle bodies (Exorcism).


Many other applications can be found and developed by the operator through his intuition, his creativity, his individual abilities in relation to each new experience.

It can be used for self-treatment, to treat people, animals, plants, objects, homes and everything that exists, starting from the fundamental truth that “everything is energy”, stated in the past by ancient sages and today by frontier science .

Even matter is energy in a dense and low-vibrating state.

It is also possible to operate remotely without negatively affecting the results.

It can be practiced by all people who meet the requirements to use the basic tools. Any personal obstacles must be removed by the interested party with targeted individual treatments.


The birth

It was born in 2012 as the result of an internal journey that began 14 years earlier, following the maturation of various internal aspects and various knowledge acquired. It is constantly evolving, constantly updated with the results of internal research Andrea Aiuppa, carried out in the fields of: subtle energies, spirituality, quantum physics, neuroscience and frontier sciences in general; of the philosophy and teachings of some of the most well-known esoteric schools that have achieved great and important results; of the texts inherited from the sages of all times; of meditation; of various disciplines and holistic techniques; of natural, alternative and vibrational medicine; of symbolism and sacred geometry.


It is the sacred art of the transmutation of the elements, through which it is possible to transform the nature of all things by elevating them from an inferior (vile) quality to a superior (noble) quality. Applied to inner work it allows one to evolve, to acquire inner knowledge of the mysteries, of the truth, of the divine reality and of the origin.


The Philosophy of Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)®

The author, during his internal journey and research, came to the following conclusions:

All the spiritual teachings received at the beginning of time from the Supreme Source through the incarnated Avatars are liberating and can show man the path, the method and the means to return home; to heal from all his ills, to re-establish his original divine nature. Man in the service of darkness has always fought the children of light, sometimes eliminating them in the cruelest ways. This is in order to hide the truth that can make every man free. Darkness has created many religions, mental prisons built with deception, derived from the original spiritual teachings, manipulated and emptied of every liberating principle. T.A.I.® was born with the aim of tracing a new path of liberation that joins similar ones, to the brotherhood of light on earth and to its celestial hierarchy. His philosophy integrates teachings derived from different traditions: alchemical, Gnostic, original esoteric Christian, Buddhist, Hindu , Jewish Kabbalah, animism (or panpsychism), Druidism (or Celticism), Taoism, Indian and Celtic shamanism, hermeticism and anthroposophy. It will welcome, embrace and integrate within itself all the teachings which in the practical test prove to contain the “liberating principles” such as all the teachings of the origin. “At the origin there is no separation”, this truth is contained in all the original teachings which also have the aim of bringing together all opposites in a balanced and harmonious way, putting an end to every conflict. Religions Man-made are often intended to separate the human community embodied on this planet, dividing it into smaller and smaller groups in order to weaken the power and potential that comes from unity. They feed the base instincts of animal man with deception, with racism and religious wars, making him increasingly enslaved, weak and sick.


Author and Teacher

Andrea Aiuppa


With the T.A.I. in advanced mode many chronic problems can be solved, including:

  • chronic tiredness and energy apathy;
  • physiological depression;
  • limitations on daily energy autonomy;
  • chronic energy loss;
  • mental and memory problems caused by chronic energy loss in specific internal parts;
  • physiological dysfunctions and various chronic problems (vision, chronic pain, etc.), caused by: permanent energy blocks, fractures of the subtle bodies and meridians, energy insufficiency in specific internal parts;

Yes it can

  • obtain a permanent increase in general low vital energy and specifically in some internal parts (where necessary, organs, meridians, subtle bodies);
  • permanently and definitively repair subtle bodies and parts of them damaged by diseases and/or by external subtle attacks, and/or by the influence of harmful technologies, and/or by bad behavior and bad actions.



 Testimonials –  Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.)

 Testimonials  –  Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T)

Go to the page: Courses, Seminars and Individual Lessons

 Contact Andrea – send an email



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Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)®

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Abduction, alien and psychic interference

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