Holistic Treatments and Paths

Holistic Treatments and Paths

Holistic Treatments and Paths           Free orientation consultancy     It is an individual meeting that allows you to get to know the operator, the tools and techniques he uses in general, and those he would recommend for any...
The Stones E.V.

The Stones E.V.

  The Stones E.V.   byAndrea Aiuppa     They are regenerators of Vital Energy (E.V.), stones in which the etheric field has been modified through energy engineering and internal alchemy. They are not a medical and therapeutic tool, but rather a spiritual...
Transmuting Alchemical Jewels

Transmuting Alchemical Jewels

  Transmuting Alchemical Jewels   Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.) byAndrea Aiuppa   The Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.) in the “Alchemical Transmuting Jewels” version offer the same characteristics as the other P.O.T.®, with the...
Transmuting hard stone spheres and eggs

Transmuting hard stone spheres and eggs

  Transmuting hard stone spheres and eggs   Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T)®     This version was designed taking into account the aesthetics and waves of form, which add to the basic alchemical, energetic, vibrational and spiritual characteristics of...
Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)

Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)

  Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.) byAndrea Aiuppa   The Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.)® are an energetic, spiritual and vibrational tool; for complete and optimal internal work, and for general psychophysical well-being. They are not a...

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