Sexuality and sexual problems

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Although little is said about it, also due to the taboos and conditioning created by some religions and their followers, sexual problems of different types afflict many people and are often also the cause of the break-up of couples and families.

Official medicine almost always only intervenes on the symptoms due to an errata[1] vision of human reality, often fails to provide a remedy even for short periods, officially defining many of these pathologies as incurable.

Even in terms of causes of a psychological and “mental” nature, the results are quite poor, due to the totally intellectual and rational approach which, by its nature, encounters physiological limits.

Rare exceptions are represented by those professionals recognized by the system[2], but with a more open and less conditioned mind, who integrate tools such as regressive hypnosis into their work, which when used correctly allows us to probe many internal parts unknown and invisible to consciousness.

“One should not undertake the treatment of one part without taking into account the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body separated from the soul, and to achieve health of the head and body, it is necessary to begin by curing the mind… For this is the great mistake of our day in the care of the human body, that the doctors are the first to do so by separating the soul from the body”.
Plato (427-347 BC)

According to the holistic vision, what manifests itself in the physical, emotional and energetic body often has deeper roots (or causes) that concern the mind, soul and spirit (one or more of these aspects). To find the solution it is necessary to dig and see deeply, something that most people are not able to do since the attention of their consciousness is projected only, or mainly, outwards.


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Some of the most widespread sexual pathologies with their causes, according to what I and other operators have found directly:

Candida, vaginitis: refusal of sex; rejection of sexuality; rejection of being a woman/female; conflict between internal components that repress and others linked to perverse and dark sexuality, sexual abuse, also linked to magical-esoteric rituals/ceremonies[3] and/or black magic performed in past lives; traumas, memories, aggregates, beliefs, relating to past lives or the current life in which violence and bad experiences of various types were experienced; other.

Sores, vaginal and genital cuts: aggregates, beliefs, memories relating to past lives in which chastity belts, torture, violence, etc. have caused similar injuries; other.

Insufficiency or total absence of sexual appetite[4]: energy deficiency/insufficiency, blockages, in the centers[5] connected to the sexual organs, which can in turn be caused by vows of chastity, renunciation of sex and sexual pleasure; from psychic aggregates, soul memories, programs and mental beliefs that generate conflict with the natural (animal) sexual instinct; by energetic parasites attached to the sexual centers which absorb a lot of energy, manifesting insufficiency for the nourishment of the sexual drives; lacerations, fractures, damage to energy structures and centers of consciousness that concern sexuality and sexual drives, caused by traumas of various kinds or by subtle parasites; conscious and/or unconscious rejection of the partner, sometimes due to events that occurred in past lives; incompatibility between the partner and the current state of the sexual component of the interested party; incompatibility between the nature of the souls of the two partners; repression caused by trauma, violence and bad experiences; other.

Rejection and non-acceptance of sex and sexuality, sexual repression: refusal of being a woman or being a man; manifestation of aggregates, beliefs, memories that concern the rejection of sex and sexuality, often identified in the past as evil and belonging to the devil[6]; conscious and/or unconscious rejection of the partner, sometimes due to events that occurred in past lives; incompatibility between the partner and the current state of the sexual component of the interested party; traumas, memories, aggregates, beliefs, relating to past lives or the current life in which they were lived, violence and bad experiences of various types; other.

Attraction of varying intensity, towards sexual abuse, abuse of sexuality, violent and perverse sexuality, lust:  sexual component mainly composed of negative energy, aggregates, memories, beliefs relating to dark and perverse sexuality; component, energy and sexual organs linked to dark sexuality and sexual abuse, through rituals, pacts, vows with dark and negative entities and groups performed in past lives and still in force and active; influence, conditioning, manipulation of parasites of a certain type that push this so that the person creates the best conditions in which they can feed; other.

Anxiety and fear of sex especially during the practical act: traumas, memories, aggregates, beliefs, relating to past lives or the current life in which they were lived, violence and bad experiences of various types.

In general: negative energies, programs and memories, disharmonious frequencies within us, generate conflicts, disharmony, imbalance in the parts in which they are found, causing malaise, illnesses of various kinds (mental, emotional, energetic, physical), weakness, vulnerability .

With the Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.) and with the Holistic Stones of Transmutation (P.O.T.) it is possible to intervene on the root causes of the problems described in this text and on many others, addressing each aspect in a holistic way and helping each person to carry out the necessary steps to manifest self-healing within oneself.


maschio e femmina 

[1] As it is limited, incomplete and partly deliberately so.

[2] I am referring to professionals who have followed official academic studies and obtained one or more recognitions/certificates and who, after having noted the limits of the notional baggage learned within the culture of the “official” world (at the service of the elite, of the privileges of the powerful , lobbies, banks, chemical and pharmaceutical multinationals, etc.), try to make up for these gaps by integrating their rudiments with tools, techniques, frontier or unrecognized methods, such as what belongs to the holistic world.

[3] Since we were children we have been conditioned to think and believe that “magic” does not exist and that it only belongs to the imagination. This is what the ruling elite, who rule the world, want the masses to believe, so as to leave them helpless, degenerate and enslaved. People who do not ask questions, who think they are free without realizing that everything they believe they are and that everything they believe they think is strongly conditioned and has been inculcated in their mind, do not know, for example, that even the “Catholic mass” is a ceremonial magical ritual, constructed that way to achieve specific purposes.

Among the smartest, someone has noticed that all men of power are part of secret esoteric groups, scattered and present throughout the world, mostly known as Freemasonry and Masonic lodges, but not only. To the man who questions himself, the question arises spontaneously “if magic does not exist, why are the powerful part of esoteric occult groups where magic is practiced?”.
A comprehensive answer could be this: man by nature is a magician, magic is part of his nature and the nature of creation and even when we try to hide it it still manifests itself through the unconscious. Since ancient times, negative and dark men, the archons and their servants, have tried to expropriate the mass of important knowledge and abilities in order to then weaken it, enslave it and subsequently allocate it to their own services.
Today’s subhuman race is incapable of finding radical solutions to its problems, including the deliberately created global crisis that has already killed millions of people and will kill more.
Returning to the origin, reclaiming the ancient powers of the true man, son of the Prime Creator, is important and indispensable in order to improve and positively transform the society in which we live, destroying the illusory reality today also known as the “Matrix”, rooted in our internal.
In true history (especially unofficial) we can read about the actions undertaken by the dark man towards men of knowledge, free men. The inquisition, the elimination of healthy esoteric groups such as the original Templars, the Cathars, etc., the issuing of papal bulls which have condemned the use of magic in the past, the extermination of shamans in the world, are all truly occurred to limit, reserve, hide natural power and the only true and important knowledge.

[4] Libido, sexual urges, search for sexual pleasure

[5] Chakra or other subtle components.

[6] Negative influence and conditioning of the religions created by the archons.

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