Abduction, Alien and Psychic Interference
Knowledge of the “Abduction” phenomena[1] and alien interference[2]” in recent years it has become very widespread, thanks to the great work carried out by the pioneers of this sector to demonstrate its existence also on a scientific basis. Over the last 40 years, three figures in particular have achieved greater prominence, so much so that they are known nationally and internationally: the Americans John E. Mack and Budd Hopkins and the Italian Corrado Malanga.
Techniques and tools for the study, analysis and resolution of each case have been developed and good results have been achieved, even if sometimes not permanent.
Reading the testimonies of several abductees, who said they were still subject to these phenomena despite the “resolving” interventions[3] to which they had undergone, by comparing their experiences with mine and those of people I worked on, I was able to notice important differences that I recognize as weaknesses, or shortcomings, if you prefer, of the working methods used in those circumstances.
In my opinion, the impossibility of reaching a total, better, definitive solution depends first of all on the internal state of the researcher/operator, on his level of internal knowledge, on the current potential of his conscious, on his psychic and extrasensory abilities[4], from the state[5] and the typology of its essence[6], on the state and potential of your vehicle[7]. All this will determine the depth, precision, approach, way of working and results.
Also for these reasons, many holistic operators[8] are often unable to see and perceive a problem on subtle levels, to understand it and/or to find its causes in order to resolve it. Anyone who has experienced problems and experiences similar to those covered in this article or in any case related to hidden realities and truths, not accepted, rejected and fought by the official world[9] he knows what it’s about.
Among the various absurdities and negativities, I have also read about operators who negatively use hypnosis to condition, manipulate and convince the people involved in such events that: everything is fine, that all the aliens they come into contact with are good and have good intentions, that there is nothing to be afraid of and that they must let them work without opposing, because that is right. The effect of such an operation is devastating, it favors parasitism, weakens the personality and the mind, which will also oppose any conscious reactions, favoring negativity and the actions of beings with bad intentions.
My point of view and what I propose as a solution:
The phenomena of abduction and alien and psychic interference can manifest themselves in our lives because some parts of us want it, allow it and act to make it happen.
Psychic aggregates [10], pacts, oaths, vows, contracts and subtle bonds of different nature, dark components, etc., manifest in microcosm all the conditions for such phenomena to take place and constitute the entry into a degenerative spiral in which the soul and personality are trapped for even longer existences[11].
Practical intervention (applicable with the same results on site or remotely)
- Interview with the person, to establish the main points of the work.
- Reading or subtle analysis of the accessible layers to find the causes that allow phenomena to manifest themselves.
- Kinesiological muscle test to verify the person and inform the conscious.
- Start of the cycle of alchemical-energetic-vibrational treatments, performed with the Internal Alchemical Technique (T.A.I.) in advanced mode, according to what was found in the analysis/reading.
- At the end of the treatment cycle, a check is carried out on the new accessible layers to verify the presence of other “open doors” (various vulnerabilities relating to the topic treated).
The relationship of the person and the soul with each individual race, faction, individual entity or group, alien or otherwise, will have to be addressed by separating it from others. Only subsequently will it be possible to move on to the removal and destruction of any systems, chips, seals, parasites, etc., which are effects/consequences of the open doors on which action must be taken first.
The work of many operators in the sector fails or has a temporary effect because they intervene on the symptoms and not on the causes.
The person will have an active role in all this work and will have to understand everything necessary to be able to solve the causes of the problem and put an end to the various effects.
[2] For alien interference we mean that interference carried out by negative energetic forms with the aim of negatively conditioning the mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual component of the person. This can give rise to various phenomena: nightmares derived from mental projections elaborated by these energies; depression; mental obsession; suicidal tendency; continuous stimulation of animal instincts; disturbed sleep; energy vampirism; waking up with consciousness stuck between the astral plane and the physical plane, without the possibility of moving the body (paralysis), etc.
[5] In this case we refer to the level of integrity, consciousness and activity of the soul. In my experiences and research I have been able to see that most souls survive (not alive, almost vegetating) in a state similar to that of a dream for most people; it is numb and passive, it has degenerated to the point of not being able to access the wealth of knowledge it has accumulated since it was created, all this due to internal breakdowns, diseased, degenerated parts, no longer energetically nourished or partially nourished and insufficiently. In this state it is not able to recognize threats, what is useful from what is harmful, what is true from what is false and cannot counteract the attacks coming from the various types of parasites that attach themselves to it to feed and, sometimes, they damage it to the point of killing it (as in some cases I have dealt with).
[6] When referring to the typology of “essence”, with reference to the beings that pass through this planet in its various dimensions of density, the following main groups are usually distinguished: essences (or souls) coming from the spiritual kingdom, daughters of the first Creator ” the Most High” (the divine spark or monad is its direct emanation); souls coming from the higher planes of the astral world (evolved and positive); souls or essences coming from the lower astral world (lower planes: negative, dark beings, demons, archons, creators of the matrix, parasitic races of various kinds), daughters of minor gods.
[7] With reference to people and the multidimensional vehicle with its different bodies (mental, astral, etheric, physical) we find vehicles with different types of characteristics and potential. There may be differences of various kinds between the vehicles of souls coming from the spiritual realm and those of the incarnated archons (bound to the wheel of karma by the first creator). The purified vehicles of ascetics, practitioners of internal alchemy or adepts of any sacred art that manifests a radical transformation and an elevation of the constituent elements, can be characterized by various and great potentials/faculties/qualities above average or completely new , susceptible to growing and improving with advancement, including through conscious-inner God/microcosmic God co-creation and energy engineering (or alchemical art of construction).
[8] Many of them, from what I have been able to observe so far, both directly and through other people I have worked with, are beings who operate in a negative way and even when the consciousness of a subject interested (in their activities) receives positive results from them , on the planes of the unconscious and the subconscious, on the subtle planes far from the light of consciousness, negative and limiting operations of various kinds and types take place. Many holistic workers, they are archons, they are false lightworkers, they are servants of the dark (they can fall into all three or just one of these categories). Some manifest negative actions and effects on the people on whom they operate and on the surrounding environment unconsciously, through their own dark parts neglected due to non-existent, superficial or inadequate inner work or voluntarily hidden as a philosophy of life and thought that avoids the negative closing our eyes and pretending not to see, not accepting and rejecting the darkness that belongs to us, a typical way of acting of the current New Age current (great deception) and its followers.
[10] The definition of “psychic aggregates” deriving from my experience and inner research is that of residues of personalities from the past with which the essence (soul) manifested itself. Still present in humans because there is something to resolve, learn and understand about it and/or because the general state of degeneration has not allowed total elimination in any cases of resolution (in these cases partial). They are composed of programs, convictions, mental beliefs and memories of the essence, which can manifest their effects and structures (but not always) also in the subtle bodies and in the dense body (in a single body, in some bodies or in all).
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